Thursday 7 November 2013

Nearly half way through Term 4!

Kia ora koutou,

The term is racing by. We have had a great week in Kowhai!

We made the most of the sunny weather earlier in the week and did a lot of athletics. Congratulations to the 11 Kowhai kids who qualified to represent Solway and compete at the Masterton Primary School Athletics Champs next Wednesday - your child would have come home with a notice this week. 

We loved out trip to the Hood Aerodrome on Monday morning. It's amazing the information and detail the kids picked up about flight and World War 1&2 planes in general from our two sessions. Many thanks to the wonderful whanau who helped get us there.

The Learn Now mini markets on Thursday and Friday were a great success too.

The Year 5's and I are looking forward to our camp on Monday night at Mount Holdsworth. Shona Standish will be at school with the Year 4 kids. 

Have a happy weekend. Ka kite,

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