Wednesday 18 July 2012

Class Newsletter

Welcome back to Kowhai for Term 3! I hope you enjoyed the holidays and everyone returns to school rearing to go. We have yet another action packed term ahead of us – 11 weeks this time! A special welcome to our newest Kowhai kid, Amelia Lambess and her whanau.

Special congratulations must go to Siena Cockburn and Sean Preston who received the special key competency awards in Solway’s reflection assembly last term.

Below is a brief outline of Term 3...
·    Attached to this newsletter is our Term 3 Oral Language timetable and talking topics. Please note the change in timetable. Children are welcome to bring along pictures/articles/props to aid their talk.

·    Our main focus in maths will be fractions, proportions and ratios. One day a week we will be working on algebra for the first half of the term, then swapping to geometry.

·      Every Monday we will continue to do personal experience writing (e.g. weekend news) with our major focus on writing narratives this term.

·      Our values this term are respect and obedience.

·      Our inquiry topic for Term 3 is The Olympics. We will be doing this for the first six weeks of term. The next two weeks will be spent on a teacher passion unit (to be confirmed!) and then the Tararua Syndicate will be focusing on science and myths and legends for the remainder of the term.

·      We will begin Term 3 focusing on ball skills for PE, moving onto poi and skipping later in the term.

·      You can expect your child to bring home a reading book each night as well as their spelling list to practice. Please listen to them read aloud every night – this is the only way they will improve their reading. Spelling tests will be held on Fridays. Homework books will go home on even weeks this term and are expected to be returned on Friday. In addition, homework for Term 3 includes preparing for their talking day and practicing their basic facts. Please support your child with these things on a daily basis.

·      Our library day is Tuesday. Children need to bring their home library book back before our library session so they can choose another book to take home.

As always please feel welcome to visit us in Kowhai anytime. Please do not hesitate to contact me via the school phone number (06 377 4850), email ( or of course in person.

See you soon!

Term 3 2012

Jake G
Jake H

Talking topics:
Week 1: Holidays – what did you do? What was the best part? Why?

Week 2: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Week 3: Tell us about a local, national or international current event – who, what, where, when, why and how?

Week 4: Tell us about your best day ever – and why!

Week 5: ACHIEVEMENT BOOK SAMPLE - Choose a prominent Olympic competitor and prepare a factual report about them for the class. What sport do they compete in? Where are they from? Have they won any medals? What has been their biggest success? Tell us any other facts you can find out about the athlete.
Week 6: Free choice

Week 7: Values – choose one of our values for Term 3 (respect or obedience). Tell us what the value means, how you show the value at home and at school and give us an example of how someone in your family shows the value in their life. 

Week 8: Bring along your favourite toy, game, puzzle etc from home and tell us about it.

Week 9: Choose your best piece of narrative writing from the term and read it to the class.

Week 10: Reflection on Term 3 – favourite part? Did you achieve your goals? What are you most proud of? What do you want to do better next term?

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