Wednesday 18 April 2012

Term 2, Week 1

Welcome back!

I hope you have had a wonderful holiday and have enjoyed the beautiful weather we have been lucky enough to have! Now it is time to gear up for Term 2…

We are straight back into it this week! Kowhai kids will be speaking about their holiday for oral language this week. The timetable remains the same with a new list of talking topics going home with the class newsletter during the week. Expect spelling words to arrive home on Monday that need to be learnt in preparation for testing on Friday. Homework will begin in week 2.

We will be starting multiplication and division (4 days a week) and measurement this week, which we are focusing on for maths in Term 2. We will also begin our writing focus of persuasive writing in the form of arguments.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!


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