Saturday 3 March 2012

Week 6

Kia ora koutou,

Can you believe we're over half way through the term already?!

The kids did really well last week with their oral language talks. Most were very prepared and had obviously been practicing at home - ka pai! If I have received your email address you will be sent the link to the talk this week. If you have not, send me an email on and I will be able to send you the link. 

The kids are really getting into their 'Moment in Time' writing. We have been enjoying sharing our work with each other. 

This Thursday one of the hot air balloons taking part in Balloons Over Wairarapa will be visiting Solway Primary - we are very much looking forward to that. 

We wish Jaden, Jake G and Siena well at the Interschool Swimming Sports on Monday. 

Have a great week :)


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