Friday 30 March 2012

Week 10

Kia ora koutou,

Only four days to go until the first set of school holidays for 2012! Kowhai kids have been continuing to work very hard and are as focused as ever which is fantastic for their learning. 

You can expect achievement books to arrive home on Monday afternoon with your child. Please take the time to go through these books with your child and make a positive comment about their progress this term. Achievement books are due back on the first day of Term 2. 

The topic for oral language this week is a reflection on the term - favourite part? what have you learnt? what would you like to do better at next term? etc...

Children are to revise all their spelling lists for the term this week in preparation for a term spelling test on Thursday. Please help them with this. 

Have a wonderful holiday break - see you back in Term 2!

Sarah :)

Saturday 24 March 2012

Week 9

Kia ora koutou, 

What a fantastic end to Week 8 Kowhai had. We prepared ourselves a healthy snack before lunch as part of our healthy eating unit. The fruit kebabs went down a treat with some children even discovering they now liked some fruits they didn't think they did!

And as for the bagpipists! The kids (and teacher!) were just blown away with our two very special visitors - John and Callum from the Wairarapa Fern and Thistle Pipe Band. They answered our questions, and played and played and played for us! It was a great way to end our week. 

Only two weeks left now...

We are continuing with our passion study of healthy eating for another week. 

Please make sure that your child is learning their spelling words each night and reading out loud to you each night for at least 10 minutes too. Sometimes they will have a journal to take home, sometimes just their chapter book. 

Our library day is Tuesday - remember to send library books Tuesday morning. 

Have a great week,
Sarah/Miss Gaskin 

Sunday 11 March 2012

Week 7

Hi everyone,

Here we are in week 7! The highlight of week 6 seemed to be making 3D hot air balloons on Friday after one of the Hamilton crews visited Solway with their balloon on Thursday. They look great hanging in our classroom as do our Kowhai paintings. We'd love you to come in and check them out!

This week we are beginning our passion study which is healthy eating. Homework related to this will be going home today. 

We will be busy testing spelling and maths this week as well as getting right into geometry on Thursday. 

I have sent the link to oral language recordings to those who have given me their email address. It is no problem to record the talk onto CD instead if you prefer - please just let me know.  

Ka kite,
Sarah/Miss Gaskin

Saturday 3 March 2012

Week 6

Kia ora koutou,

Can you believe we're over half way through the term already?!

The kids did really well last week with their oral language talks. Most were very prepared and had obviously been practicing at home - ka pai! If I have received your email address you will be sent the link to the talk this week. If you have not, send me an email on and I will be able to send you the link. 

The kids are really getting into their 'Moment in Time' writing. We have been enjoying sharing our work with each other. 

This Thursday one of the hot air balloons taking part in Balloons Over Wairarapa will be visiting Solway Primary - we are very much looking forward to that. 

We wish Jaden, Jake G and Siena well at the Interschool Swimming Sports on Monday. 

Have a great week :)
