Saturday 23 November 2013

Week 7

The Disco on Friday was great fun - a super way to end the week! The kids all looked fantastic. 

Big news this week is the 2014 class placement which will be announced on Friday. Kids will then spend 2 hours with their new class and teacher getting to know each other. 

Look out for a notice coming home this week about our upcoming trip to Matiu/Somes Island next Monday. 

Thursday 7 November 2013

Nearly half way through Term 4!

Kia ora koutou,

The term is racing by. We have had a great week in Kowhai!

We made the most of the sunny weather earlier in the week and did a lot of athletics. Congratulations to the 11 Kowhai kids who qualified to represent Solway and compete at the Masterton Primary School Athletics Champs next Wednesday - your child would have come home with a notice this week. 

We loved out trip to the Hood Aerodrome on Monday morning. It's amazing the information and detail the kids picked up about flight and World War 1&2 planes in general from our two sessions. Many thanks to the wonderful whanau who helped get us there.

The Learn Now mini markets on Thursday and Friday were a great success too.

The Year 5's and I are looking forward to our camp on Monday night at Mount Holdsworth. Shona Standish will be at school with the Year 4 kids. 

Have a happy weekend. Ka kite,

Monday 21 October 2013

Kite day

Kia ora,

We had a great time making and flying our very own kites today - what fun! This relates to our inquiry unit on flight for Term 4. 

Monday 14 October 2013

Welcome back!

It was super to see so many smiling faces yesterday ready for a busy term of learning fun! 

Watch out for the class newsletter and a stationery slip coming home today. 

I hope the below invite made it home to you yesterday - we're looking forward to seeing you on Friday!

Saturday 21 September 2013

Last week of term!

Welcome to the last week of Term 3!

It was nice to get back to normality last week with The Button Box over! A few skipping pictures below from last week.

Make sure you've got the following events in your diary:

Achievement Books go home on Tuesday - they are due back in the first week of Term 4. Enjoy!

Flower/Pet Day - Thursday. A note went home last week with what children can make, what they need to bring and the format of the day. Remember pets are welcome from 1pm, come and have lunch with your child/ren and stay for the grand parade from approx 2pm. 

Reflection Assembly - Friday at 9:15am in the hall. 

See you later in the week

Saturday 14 September 2013

Week 8

WOW - weren't we amazing in the production!

I hope you enjoyed The Button Box as much as the kids enjoyed performing for you. It was the culmination of many, many hours of rehearsals and hard work, as I'm sure was obvious! I am extremely proud of them all!

It will be nice to get back to normality for the next 2 weeks though. 

Please return costumes this week if you haven't already. 


Tuesday 20 August 2013


We were very lucky to have a visit from Bibi Rebecca (Rebecca's Granny) yesterday who brought along lots of special things from Tanzania and Africa to share with is. We listened VERY hard and learnt heaps!