Saturday 21 September 2013

Last week of term!

Welcome to the last week of Term 3!

It was nice to get back to normality last week with The Button Box over! A few skipping pictures below from last week.

Make sure you've got the following events in your diary:

Achievement Books go home on Tuesday - they are due back in the first week of Term 4. Enjoy!

Flower/Pet Day - Thursday. A note went home last week with what children can make, what they need to bring and the format of the day. Remember pets are welcome from 1pm, come and have lunch with your child/ren and stay for the grand parade from approx 2pm. 

Reflection Assembly - Friday at 9:15am in the hall. 

See you later in the week

Saturday 14 September 2013

Week 8

WOW - weren't we amazing in the production!

I hope you enjoyed The Button Box as much as the kids enjoyed performing for you. It was the culmination of many, many hours of rehearsals and hard work, as I'm sure was obvious! I am extremely proud of them all!

It will be nice to get back to normality for the next 2 weeks though. 

Please return costumes this week if you haven't already. 
