Tuesday 20 August 2013


We were very lucky to have a visit from Bibi Rebecca (Rebecca's Granny) yesterday who brought along lots of special things from Tanzania and Africa to share with is. We listened VERY hard and learnt heaps!

Sunday 11 August 2013

Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 - time is flying!

Oral language will be recorded this week for achievement books - watch out for the link that will be emailed to you so you can listen to your child's talk. 

A note will be sent home tomorrow about Kowhai's production item - watch out for it also. 

Have a great week,

Sunday 4 August 2013

Week 2

We had a super start to Term 3 last week - the children and all excited and enthused about their learning and what's to come this term. 

We will really be getting into the production this week - learning songs and dances. Lots of fun!