Thursday 23 May 2013

Week 4

We had a super board game afternoon on Thursday. Some great games turned up at school – I too enjoyed learning some new board games! We will get stuck into the inquiry unit this week.

Thank you to those who came along to Learning Conferences during the week – the chance to meet you and your child together was very valuable for me, and I hope you found it as useful. We will work very hard on achieving the goals we set together over the next 7 weeks.

Cross Country training begins this week in preparation for the Solway Cross Country June 14th at the Solway Showgrounds. Please make sure your child brings suitable running shoes each day.

We also have the 7 a-side winter sports tournament for the Kowhai Year 5s on Wednesday afternoon.

Yet another busy week ahead of us!

Ma te wa,

Sunday 19 May 2013

Week 3

Kia ora,

A busy week ahead of us...

* Learning Conferences are to be held this Tuesday and Wednesday from 1.30pm. A reminder that school closes at 1pm for all children on each of these days. It's super to see so many whanau booked in. I'm looking forward to discussing the learning of your child with you and your child. 

* A note will go home tomorrow about the Tararua board game afternoon this Thursday. This is the introduction to our Toys and Games Inquiry Unit. It would be fantastic if you could send a board game from home along to school for the day. 


Saturday 11 May 2013

Week 2

Kia ora Kowhai whanau,

We had an exceptional week last week - everyone seems happy to be back into school life and routines. 

We enjoyed our session with Constable Susan on Wednesday. The kids came up with a great list of questions to ask about road safety. We will finish this unit this week, winding up with Wheels Day on Friday. Fingers crossed for another beautiful day!

Booking forms were sent home on Friday for the upcoming Learning Conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday of Week 3. Please return these ASAP to secure a time to meet. Looking forward to seeing you all and discussing your child's learning and setting some goals for the rest of the term. 

Saturday 4 May 2013

Welcome to Term 2!

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! Hope you have all had a lovely holiday and are rearing to go again for the next 10 weeks!
