Saturday 23 March 2013

Week 9

What a wonderful day we had on Friday dressing up as a character out of a book! Everyone looked fantastic and went to a lot of effort to get a costume together. 

We have a short week this week with Friday being Good Friday. Don't forget we also have next Monday and Tuesday off school. Enjoy the break!

The Kowhai kids also did very well last week with their mihi - obviously a lot of work went on at home getting those Te Reo words right. If you have not already please either send me an email or send the form back to school with your email address so I can email the recording to you.  


Friday 15 March 2013

Week 8

Hi all,

We have had a brilliant week in Kowhai - we are so lucky to have such a lovely group of kids who are so kind and look after each other and me so well! 

We had great fun using green screen pictures of ourselves - look out for the results in achievement books at the end of the term. 

The triathlon was a massive success - I was so proud of all the Kowhai kids who came along and tried their best. The kids competing at the Wairarapa Swimming Champs on Monday evening were also fantastic and represented Solway excellently!

Reminders for this week:

  • oral language - kids are to recite their mihi and some interesting facts about their family for their achievement book sample. I will record this. 
  • Paid Union Meeting for all staff this Wednesday - school will be closing at 12.30pm. Thanks for supporting us with this.
  • Book Character Day on Friday. Come to school dressed as your favourite character. Parade will be held at 12.30pm - come and watch and have lunch with your child/ren!
Another busy week!


Saturday 9 March 2013

Week 7

Kia ora and welcome to Week 7!

Below are some photos of groups performing role plays about kindness to the class:

The big event to look forward to this week is the Solway School triathlon on Thursday evening. A notice went home last week about this - pop in if it didn't reach you. It should be a fantastic evening!

Have a great week,

Saturday 2 March 2013

Week 6 already!

Kia ora,

The term is racing away on us - at the end of this week we'll be half way through Term 1.

All is going well in Kowhai - the kids coped really well last week with 3 different teachers teaching them while I was away at a 3 day course. Back to normal this week! We finished our Picasso inspired self-portraits on Friday which look fabulous! Come in and take a look. Below is Renee with her fantastic piece of artwork.

This Wednesday we wish Emily, Takumi, Nathaniel, Tayla, Crystal and Izzy luck at the Masterton Swimming Champs. They qualified to compete via our swimming sports 2 weeks ago.
