Friday 15 February 2013

Week 4

Kia ora

The term is racing along. We've had another busy but great week in Kowhai. 

Things to remember for Week 4:

Oral language = tell us about your beach education experience

Wednesday = Solway School swimming sports and family picnic. The swimming sports are held at the town pools from 11am-1pm. Weather permitting we will cross to road afterwards and have lunch in the park followed by some time in the playground. All Kowhai kids will be participating in width and/or length races. Hope you can join us there. 

Thursday = Solway School Information Afternoon. Please come along to the hall at 2pm to find out more about what's planned this year as well as National Standards and Solway School assessment information. Following the presentation and questions the school will be opened up for you to wander around classrooms and ask any questions you may have. 

Have a great week,

Sunday 10 February 2013

Beach Education at Riversdale

What a super day we had today at Riversdale Beach learning about how to keep safe at the beach. We did lots of cool things like look around the Surf Lifesaving Clubrooms, play beach games, build sand creations, and of course play in the sea learning how to boogie board properly and how to run through the waves easily. Check out some of the photos!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Beach Education Trip - Monday

Kia ora,

Thanks to those parents who have offered to come to Riversdale with us on Monday and get wet!! Just a reminder we are leaving at 8.30am SHARP.  We can not wait around for stragglers so please make sure your child is early on Monday morning. Kids are to wear their school uniform. 

The note sent home earlier this week had a full list of what to bring. 


Saturday 2 February 2013

Welcome to Kowhai!

Welcome to 2013 in Kowhai. Here we are - our first class photo taken on Friday.

We had a great start to Term 1 with a fun Week 1. I've been really impressed with the work habits and general attitudes of the Kowhai kids. I hope you received your copy of the class newsletter sent home on Tuesday. Look out for a note tomorrow afternoon about our upcoming trip to Riversdale - Monday 11th February. 

Please come and visit us in Kowhai whenever you can!

Kind regards,