Thursday 20 September 2012

Week 11

Kia ora koutou,

What a busy week we have ahead of us! 

Here's the run down:
Monday - Pied Piper Show at St Matthew's 1pm
Wednesday - Flower Day (am), Pet Day (1pm onwards)
Thursday - Skip-a-thon, 1.30pm
Friday - Reflection assembly, 9.15am (please come and support us)

Hope to see you at some of the events next week!


Monday 17 September 2012

A real Eiffel Tower!

Wow Briar, we were blown away by your Eiffel Tower model this morning! The hours of effort that have gone into this are incredible!!!

Saturday 15 September 2012

Nearly there!

We are into the home stretch of Term 3, only 2 more weeks to go!

We had a fabulous day on Friday sampling some French cuisine...

There is a change to the oral language schedule this week. We decided on Friday that everyone will talk about something French or France related - the specifics are up to individuals. It may be what they have learnt over the last 3 weeks, it may be a little research project on a French building.

Thank you to all those who have offered to help with transport to the MIS concert this week and the Pied Piper show the following week.

We are beginning a unit on Myths and Legends this week - please send along any books you have at home that we could borrow.


Saturday 8 September 2012

Week 9

Kia ora,

I was extremely impressed with the quality of oral language talks last week - we learnt about lots of new games Kowhai kids enjoy and many of them made their way to school for the day. 

We have lots to look forward to this coming week. The Tararua team are set to be the first audience for the Taratahi teams production on Tuesday. We are all travelling by bus to Masterton Intermediate School for this, returning before 3pm. 

A note should have come home on Friday about our French Feast this Friday. This will round off our passion study for the term. Please could each child contribute $2 towards the cost? Send to school ASAP. Lunch will not be required on this day. Thanks!

Kowhai kids produced some brilliant French Art last week - please do pop in for a look!


Sunday 2 September 2012

Week 8

Kia ora whanau,

Thanks for being so generous again last Friday for Daffodil Day, another large amount was handed over, this time to the Cancer Society.

Hard to believe there are only 4 weeks left of the term! We are into the business end now and Kowhai continue to work hard. The kids are getting right into our French unit and enjoying learning some of the lingo. 

Please do pop in and have a look around at the learning your child has been busy with!
