Thursday 28 June 2012



Great to see so many Kowhai whanau in the audience this morning at the reflection assembly. We hope you enjoyed the morning. 

I hope you all have a fabulous holiday with your fantastic kids. Looking forward to Term 3 already!

Check out some pictures of our 'Table Challenge' this morning...

Saturday 23 June 2012

Last week of Term 2!

Hard the believe the last week is upon us already!

I hope you can join us on Friday for Solway's Reflection Assembly at 9:15am in the hall. 

Below are some photos from Week 9 - NZ Symphony Orchestra visit and Rippa Rugby.


Friday 15 June 2012

Week 9

Well done to all the Solway children who all did so well at the Inter School Cross Country during the week - we are very proud of you! Check out some photos via the Solway website.

The kids are still working very hard - they are particularly enjoying getting stuck into researching a native bird of their choice. We'll be working on designing posters this week.

Oral language for this week: choose a poem to read to the class.

This Wednesday we are very lucky to be having a visit from the NZ Symphony Orchestra. They will be playing to the Tararua Syndicate in the early afternoon. 

We will also be continuing with Rippa Rugby which the kids loved on Friday (photos also on school website)!

Ka kite ano,

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Rakau video

Check out Kowhai taking part in rakau (Maori stick games) today!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Week 8

Kia ora,

How nice to see the sun this weekend!

It'll be a shock to the system having a five day week this week. Plenty to keep us busy though - we will be starting ti rakau (Maori stick games) and gymnastics this week. 

It was a shame cancelling the school cross country due to the weather last week. However we do wish the following Kowhai kids luck when they run at the Masterton Inter-school cross country at Rathkeale this Wednesday: Jake G, Sarah, Malachi, Rose, Mack, Sophie, Siena, Jazzelle, Linda, and Beau-Leah.

I am busy writing National Standard Interim Reports at the moment. You can expect them to arrive home with your child's achievement book. These will go home at the beginning of Week 10. Not far away now!

Have a great week,

Saturday 2 June 2012

Week 7

Kia ora,

I hope the extra long weekend was a good one for you and your whanau. The big event for Week 7 is of course the cross country on Wednesday afternoon (fingers crossed the weather holds). The whole school have been training hard for the event. Below are some photos from last week:

This week the kids are reciting their mihi as part of oral language. A lot of hard work has gone into learning these - can't wait to hear them!

See you on Wednesday.
