Wednesday 30 May 2012

Cross country transport HELP!


Can you help transport Kowhai kids to the Solway Primary cross country next Wednesday 6th June??? We will be leaving Solway at 12.30pm for the Solway Showgrounds, ready for a 1pm race start.

You will be able to take your child directly home once the event is over (around 3pm). 

Please let me know ASAP if you can help.

Much appreciated!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Week 6

Hi everyone, 

Believe it or not we are already half way through the term. Unbelievable! Kowhai are continuing to work as hard as ever. The eagerness to learn in our room is awesome!

Our oral language topic for this week is related to our inquiry unit:
Choose a New Zealand native bird (a bird that only lives in NZ) and tell us about it:
- What are the features of the bird (e.g. beak, feathers, legs, claws etc?)
- How do these features help this bird to survive?
- Where does it live?
- What does it eat?
- Have you found out any other interesting information?

We had a great start to our cross country training last week weather wise. Everyone is trying their best which was fantastic. 



Monday 21 May 2012

Coffee voucher winners

Amber Te Huna (Malachi's mum) and Deborah Ward (Sarah's mum) are the lucky winners of the coffee voucher draw! As soon as I get a moment to get into town I will send the vouchers home with your child :-)

Thank again for taking part!


Saturday 19 May 2012

Week 5


We were very lucky with the weather on Friday afternoon for the Folk Dancing House Competition - what a great afternoon. And congratulations to the red house for taking out the title! We will now go back to doing Jump Jam three days a week. 

We were very proud of ourselves for putting on a successful assembly on Friday morning. Well done especially to those who were brave enough to take on speaking roles!

As you would have read in the school newsletter last week cross country practice begins this week. Children will be running every day before lunch - let's hope the weather improves on the last couple of weeks. Please ensure your child comes to school prepared to run with suitable shoes.

Again thank you to those who completed the communication survey. We will be doing the draw for the coffee vouchers on Monday :)

Enjoy the week ahead,

Saturday 12 May 2012

Week 4

Hi everyone,

A huge THANK YOU to those of you who have completed the communication survey - much appreciated.

We have yet another busy week ahead of us - hopefully without the rain that we had last week. It is our turn to organise assembly this Friday so please come along and support us if you can - 9.15am in the hall. This Friday we also have the Folk Dancing house competition from 2-3pm - you are more than welcome to join us at Solway for that too if you can. Below are some photos of Kowhai kids Folk Dancing this term:

I'm looking forward to hearing the oral language talks this week - what would you do if you were Principal of Solway for a day?!


Wednesday 9 May 2012

Please help!

Kia ora!

I would  be very, very grateful for your honest thoughts in the following survey:

Submit it by Thursday 19th May to go in the draw to win one of two Entice vouchers!

Many thanks in advance!

Monday 7 May 2012

Week 3


Week 3 is now underway. We are looking forward to really getting into our argument or persuasive writing in a big way this week. We are going to be writing about a range of interesting topics...

We had a fantastic day at Pukaha Mount Bruce last Thursday. Again, a big thank you to those parents to gave up their day to help out. It seems everyone loved meeting Manukura, the white kiwi (including me!). Our reading activities, spelling words and oral language are all based around our trip at the moment. 

Some photos are below...

Kowhai kids are loving Folk Dancing. We are gearing up for the house competition next Friday!

Enjoy the sunshine! Long may it last!
